Thu, January 23, 2025

Rule Changes for 2017

  • 01/01/2017
Below is a recap of new rules and changes for 2017:
- Balls may not be used until the World Wide Release date
- The Entry Fee was raised to $95 with the $5 increase being split between the prize fund standings and out of money awards of $50 towards a future NEBA entry
- For doubles, PBA/PWBA regional or national champions that have won within the last 15 years may not bowl with a champion whether won as a member or non-member
- Staggered Random lane cross for qualifying will be implemented
- Lanes will not be reoiled for the finals in tournaments with one qualifying squad
- An elimination style finals will be used August 6 and April 29-30
- Lane cross for special tournaments will have the right lanes moving to the right and left lanes moving left instead of the entire pair going in the same direction